
Buffalo Trip Part 1

New York vs Illinois A friend posed the question:  Which state is in the worst shape – New York or Illinois.  My reply:  New York – because they continually spend on big projects with big expectations that do not turn out well – like the Buffalo Billions – with investments in battery manufacture.  Illinois investments…

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Investing Perspective

Here is a quote from John Thompson, CEO of Villas Capital in his quarterly newsletter of 10/10/18: Sitting in cash, or under one’s desk, in the name of prudence is ignoring the facts that consumers are healthy, many stocks are cheap, equity ownership creates wealth significantly above inflation, and trying to time the market is…

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Gaining Perspective – Covid-19 Each day, the media presents us with statistics such as 24 million people in the US have tested positive for the virus and over 405,000 have died from it since early 2020. Covid vs deaths from all causes in perspective The chart “Causes of death – USA – 2017” represents comprehensive…

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